Make no mistake about it: a recognizable and loved brand is one of a company’s most valuable commodities. According to a study by Nielson, 59% of consumers prefer new products from well-known brands.

As a small business, you can compete with big brands with loyal customers and an unlimited marketing budget. That’s why you need to find ways to stand out – through a solid branding process. My favorite piece of advice for any business owner is to build a brand, not just a company. This will give you huge growth and enthusiastic fans.

How to build a brand?

Use our step-by-step workbook with tips, templates and guides to build a brand for your business! Find your target audience, research competitors … and more.

What is a brand?

In short, a brand is determined by the customer’s overall perception of your business.

Amazon founder Jeff Bezos puts it even better: “Your brand is what others say about you when you’re not in space.” Your brand is your reputation! In today’s marketplace, a successful brand must be consistent in communication and experience across many applications:

  • Environment (showcase or office)
    Print signage, signage, packaging
    Website and online advertising
    Publish content
    Sales and customer service
    Internally (with employees)
    Is branding easy? The truth is, branding doesn’t happen overnight … or even in a few months.

Firefighting is definitely a process and requires strategy. However, constant work leads to long-term relationships with your customers. This can lead to leads and sales, word of mouth and advocacy for your product or service.

What is branding?

The definition of a brand is through strategies and campaigns to raise awareness of your business with the goal of creating a unique and lasting image in the market.

Positive image + excellent = brand success.

Branding can be divided into three stages:

  • Brand strategy
    Brand marketing
    A brand strategy shows how different, reliable, memorable and personal you are to your ideal customer. It gets your purpose, your promise and how to solve problems for people.

This is the first step you should take when building a brand from scratch (Whether you are just starting out or already established). Wouldn’t you build a house without a plan or plans The same goes for your brand. You can think of a branding strategy as a plan for how you want the world to see your business. An effective and comprehensive branding strategy should include the following elements as part of the process:

  • Fire detection
    Competitive research
    The voice of the brand
    Fire message and history
    Brand strategy is a crucial and essential part of building a successful brand. This is one of the areas that most companies ignore when moving directly to design and marketing.

A brand is the way you communicate this to your audience with photos, messages, and experiences. Brand strategy affects how you present your identity and align it with your goal of making the most impact. Your brand identity elements must be used consistently across all channels. This is the way your business is identified.

This includes:

  • logo
    Colors and fonts,
    Website design,
    Printing or packaging
    and more.
    Brand marketing is the way companies or organizations pay attention to products or services and increase awareness by combining values ​​and language through strategic communication with the right target audience.

In 2020, you can effectively strengthen your brand image with various digital marketing functions:

  • User experience (i.e. your site)
    SEO and content marketing
    Social media marketing
    Email advertising
    Paid Advertising (PPC)

Together, these channels are essential to building brand awareness and growth. We will dive into these elements later!

I have simplified the path below to assist the process of achieving a comprehensive brand your business or personal trademark being faithful to your partner. Investigate competing brands in your industry. You should never emulate exactly what the big brands in your industry do. But you need to know what they are doing well (or where they are failing).